Hi We Are Nouveau Riche Global Limited

We are Telecoms and Technologies Company

Nouveau Riche Global Ltd. is an enterprise and consumer software and application development firm, which also specializes in the development of consumer and enterprise mobile value-added services. An ICT company located in Ghana with extensive experience in the development and delivery of technology solutions in the area of Fintech, mobile value-added services, voice services and broadcast services.

The company is focused on providing total product and service solutions to our reputable client-base of mobile operators, media organisations, consumer brands, content providers and many more. NRG products and services are spread across three key verticals – Mobile Communities, Enterprise Mobility and Mobile Content. Our products & services include VAS (SMS, Voice, and USSD) solutions in the following industries: Public & Private Utilities, Public & Private Health, Agriculture, Finance, Education, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Sports, New Media Engagement (Social & Digital media), Corruption, Gaming, and Fintechs.

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We are here to Innovative, Invest and help create wealth in a manner that impacts the needs of end users and customers in general . Our objective is to be the premier destination for VAS products, smart and innovative technologies, offering customers unparalleled value and convenience.

The goal is to design and develop unique investment solutions in (but not limited to) the above major segments targeted at existing clients/products and new businesses/startups at consumer and enterprise levels.

In our time of working in the industry, we have been heavily involved in deploying major projects and new lines of businesses in the areas of finance, insurance, telecommunications, entertainment to mention a few and plan to leverage these experiences and the sizable social capital we have garnered over the time to help our existing and potential clients scale their businesses and/or solve a pertinent business needs.

Individual Approach

Our intention is to increase client satisfaction tailored directly to addressing specific needs, leading to higher client satisfaction and loyalty, by improved efficiency and productivity. Our solutions are optimized for the client’s workflow, leading to significant efficiency gains. 

Modern Technologies

NRG is heavily influenced by technological advancements like AI, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) and we are already in the space on these technologies to take advantage of our competitors’ offerings.

Complex Solutions

NRG specializes in the integration of smart applications on financial services platforms, which enables secure and seamless mobile payment, money transfers, and financial transactions. Embark on cloud-based VAS solutions delivering VAS services through the cloud, requiring expertise in cloud infrastructure and integration. Integrate VAS functionalities with Internet of Things devices and sensor networks, necessitating expertise in device management and data security.

Limited Time Offer!

Hurry up! Contact us today and get 80% free consultation on Technology / VAS Solutions and Services!



Emerging Technologies & Tools Enterprise

  • Enterprise Business Support Tools
  • SME Business Support Tools
  • Mobile and Web development
  • All in one Digital Marketing tools

Consumer Lifestyle Applications

  • Over-The-Top Applications
  • VAS Driven Applications Financial

Technology Development

  • Mobile Payments
  • Mobile Wallets
  • Virtual Wallets
  • Card-Based Payments
  • Cordless Payments
  • Direct Bank Debit
  • Platform Development
  • Core Banking Solutions

Shortcode Services (voice & SMS)


Mobile & Website Monetization

We are working very closely with high traffic broadcasting and news dissemination platforms in monetizing their web and mobile traffic using VAS billing solutions — By implementing Header Enrichment visitors to these sites will be presented with the opportunity to subscribe to premium content or integrate subscription driven content model on the platforms.

SMS BULK Services

Easy, Quick and Customized Messaging, Direct to your Customers.

Reach your customer with our solution with a rich portfolio of communication tools and technology from Richmsgh, you can build trust through SMS, generate quality leads and grow your business or brand.


Drugs Authentication

This Product verification service equips leading
Pharmaceutical companies with the technology
and the tool to enable the user to confirm the authenticity
of the product and verifies it for safe consumption.

Bet Correct

This advisory service provides its subscribers with valid statistics based on research information regarding historic and predictive performance variables of football matches played across all major European football leagues,and provides the processed research data to subscribers on a daily basis with tips on how to place bets on those matches with up to 86%accuracy

Thyroid Foundation

The Thyroid Ghana Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization with the sole aim of creating awareness for thyroid disorders in Ghana and bringing prompt and appropriate treatment to those affected by thyroid diseases.

Ecommerce Masterclass Suite

The Product Suite aims to provider subscribers with a variety of insights and nuggets about the processes involved in researching about the viability of a proposed product or business with the intent to sell online.
The Product provides four subscribable channels, which are
Sell Anything Online Masterclass
Finance for New Entrepreneurs Masterclass
Online Food Business Masterclass
Successful Business Models Masterclass
Service Keywords
 MC


Reach your customer with our solution.With a rich portfolio
of communication tools and technology from
Richsmsgh, you can build trust through SMS,
generate quality leads and grow your business or brand

International Payments and Remittances

By far, one of the unique solutions to help our partners/customers to make payments and settlements with ease. Our built application solution which come in the form of a mobile APP and USSD APP can help you remit your dependents or beneficiaries to hit either your bank account or MOMO Wallets without any challenge from all parts of the world. Same can be used for bulk payments, Directs Debits, Loans disbursements, Insurance Premium Payments, and more.

Have a project for us? Call us now!

+233 205 888 828 | +233 244 521 422

001 234 56 78

Have a project for us?
Call us now!



Nana is a seasoned Business Developer with years of experience in sales/marketing. He started his career as a banking official in 2006 since which he has gained a plethora of experience in sectors spanning banking, investment banking, telecommunication, construction among others.



  • 1.

  • 2.

First Contact

Let’s break the eye by knowing you. By knowing you, we can easily understand your needs, wants, and challenges. This is very important to us to help you create a niche of a difference.

Discussion & Planning

We create our understanding through this process so as to manage or end results. Planning how to deliver a cutting-edge solution for your benefit so as to make our relationship relevant.
  • 3.

  • 4.

  • 5.

Final Strategy

Here, we put in our best ideas together which will make final deployment seamless. Our best and experienced professionals are put together to make the overall objective of our customer concretised for deployment crossing the “Ts” and dotting the ‘Is’.


We do not take this for granted since it’s what it is we are in business. We put all designs and strategies into action and deliver what needs to be delivered to our clients. Most importantly, we set our eyes in gaps based on gaps analysis done in relationship with the project under implementation. This is where we move from back end to front end deliverable.



This is where our robust system of security is brought to bear. We extremely take this level of our engagement in our process line very important. We make sure our clients get the best of security and reliability to be of the high level trust for our business engagement.


No. 42 Patrice Lumumba Rd., Airport Residential Area, Accra - Ghana

+233 205 888 828 | +233 244 521 422

Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm


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